I breathed a big sigh of relief when I finished the fall semester grading for all of my students and could begin to think about Christmas shopping and decorating just eight days before the big day. We only had time for a few outdoor lights and minimalist decorating of the tree. We were so rushed and pre-occupied with last minute holiday preparations that - to our embarrassment - BOTH Jim and I completely forgot that our best friends were scheduled to take us our for our anniversary on Sunday night. When the doorbell rang,and I wiped the dishwater off my hands and answered the door, I was wide-eyed with surprise to see Andy and Joan! I was so dumbfounded that it took a full minute before I actually remembered our forgotten date. Ditzy Linda quick called Ditzy Jim at his office and did a 5 minute quick change into party clothes. We had a wonderful time with our bestest friends, but I'm beginning to think I need a "keeper" to keep me on track!! Sorry Andy and Joan!!
Happily all three daughters were able to come home for Christmas, as well as a new "guest" - Annie's new cat Warhol. A blizzard was predicted (we already had one, just a week before, dropping 12 inches of show in our area and shutting all schools and universities), so I was extra happy to have each of the girls arrive without travel mishap. I love to have everyone home where they belong!! We had fun shopping and baking ans wrapping and, eventually, un-wrapping. Jim surprised me with some premium seats and impressive travel arrangements to the Arizona Country Thunder festival where Keith will be playing!! (The only condition is that HE doesn't have to go, lol!).
We had planned to head toward Chicago the day after Christmas to go celebrate with my sister's family. But enough snow and ice had fallen in both Iowa and Illinois to make the roads un-fit for travel, so we held off a day. That turned out to be a wise decision - the roads were much improved by the 27th and we had a lovely time with Judi and her family. Unfortunately our change in travel plans meant we did miss the Rusted Root concert at the House of Blues in Chicago that I had thought would fit in our schedule. Ah well - I could tell from the news that many more Christmas travelers fared far worse than us, so I am grateful most of our plans went smoothly.
On Monday we headed down to the Chicago Loop to visit Sara's work and apartment neighborhoods. She works in the heart of downtown - in a huge building between Michigan and Adams (the origin of the famous "Route 66"!). She lives just blocks away in the South Loop Printer's Row area where my father, a print setter, worked for so many years before the advent of the computer and digital printing. We had a great dinner together at Blackie's Pub across the street with the extra added bonus of a surprise visit from cousin Jimmy, up from New Orleans for the holidays, and his friend Collin.
After dinner we were off to see the Broadway musical "Jersey Boys". I am a long time fan of the Four Seasons and thoroughly enjoyed the exceptional musical performance of so many of their hits. I loved them all but two that really struck a chord for me that evening:
My eyes adored you
Though I never laid a hand on you,
My eyes adored you
Like a million miles away from me you couldn't see
How I adored you:
So close, so close and yet so far away
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like Heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
Pardon the way that I stare.
There's nothing else to compare.
The sight of you leaves me weak.
There are no words left to speak,
But if you feel like I feel,
Please let me know that it's real.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
Tuesday morning Annie and I spent a few hours wandering through Chicago's Art Institute. I primarily stuck to their new Modern Wing. Then the whole family met Sara for lunch on her lunch hour before we headed back to Iowa to beat the rush hour traffic jams. It was so special to spend time in "my kinda town" - my hometown, with my family.