Our campus student activities organization was clever enough to sign up The Band Perry and Thompson Square for a performance before they began their rapid climb in popularity. Student concerts are usually held in the 'ballroom' of our student union. They are usually generally admission (no seating) shows. But on the day that the 600 general admission tickets went on sale, they were gone in a matter of a few hours. So they did some wheeling and dealing and managed to get the show moved to our Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center - a lovely facility with acoustics designed specifically for quality symphony and other musical arts performances. I was delighted that 1) more tickets would be available (I missed out in the first sale), 2) it would be held in my favorite setting, and 3) we would have seats! (my knees are not up to standing all night). On Valentine's Day another 800-900 tickets went on sale and I snagged mine. They were still "General Admission" without specific seat assignments, but everyone knew that they would have a seat somewhere. Again, the entire venue sold out in short order!
On Thursday I dropped by the GBPAC at about 4:00 pm to ask if they knew how they would be handling the General Admission line-up, but since this was a student-organized show, not one of the regular performing arts shows, they were in the dark other than the doors were supposed to open at 7:00 for the 8:00 concert. The venue was still quiet at that time, although the first pair of attendees (a daughter and dad) were already in line. They told me they had driven 5 hours to get to the show!
I came back about 6:30. There were substantial lines of excited college students at both of the theatre's main doors leading to the floor seats. I instead chose a shorter line at one of the side-doors, hoping (but not certain) that they would in fact be taking tickets at that location as well.
Seven o'clock came and went and we heard that the bands were still setting up. They finally opened the doors about 7:20 and - yes!! - my side door was opened and I was actually able to get my very favorite seat for all the GBPAC shows - the very first seat in the right side "dress circle" area. These seats are slightly elevated about 6 feet above the floor level and offer a great view. My seat was in line with the 8th row of floor seats so I was a happy camper!
I was only familar with Thompson Square's hit music video song, but enjoyed all of their set. They are a perky young couple who are already showing skill at engaging the audience. I liked their songs but the first several seemed a bit similar in tone and tempo (perhaps just because I was unfamiliar with them), so I was happy when the second half of their set provided more diverse offerings. Here is Thursday night's "Let's Fight" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiwl3cT0T1QAt At one point they shot a little video of us - their very obliging and participatory audience, asking all of us to say the more Southern "Sure ("shor") 'nuff!" instead of "Cheese!"! : ) Thompson Square did a couple fun covers - Won't Back Down and also You Give Love a Bad Name (see below) . They had the audience singing along with their big hit "Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2l7gvGOcoDQ . (Is is just me, or does Kiefer Thompson singing the chorus of this song remind you of Kix Brooks singing "You Better Kiss Me, You're Gonna Miss Me"?)
During the week I had played several of The Band Perry's music videos before my classes to generate excitement about the Thursday night concert. But the music videos did not really prepare me for what a lively pistol of a performer Kimberly Perry is!! She is charismatic and a real live-wire - you can't help but watch her, so her brothers are a bit neglected. She, like Keith Urban, knows the power of constant movement and bodily gestures to accompany one's playing and singing and uses them well. I was thoroughly wowed by The Band Perry! (Watch out Lady Antebellum - they are nipping at your heels!) Kim shared with us that they had just received the call that they had won the first round of the ACM "New Vocal Group" vote - congratulations Band Perry! Here they are doing "All Your Life" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNCFRIgs0MI
One tiny disappointment: despite the re-location of the show to the wonderful performing arts center venue, the sound was not as good as I had hoped. The vocals often got lost in all of the songs with substantial band accompaniment for both Thompson Square and The Band Perry.
Since that is not usually the case in this location, I can only think that these bands' sound techs
were not used to this type of location and failed to balance the band and vocalists microphones properly. I heard this same comment from many, so I know it was not a matter of where I was sitting. On some of the more 'solo' pieces the vocals were great but on the more rockin' songs when the bands were playing loud the lyrics disappeared. Too bad!
The Band Perry covered a song from another of my favorites, the Rolling Stones - Honky-Tonk Woman with a few nods to Iowa included! : ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUDbbsRCZvE The whole performing arts center joined in on their biggest hit "If I Die Young" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_MAy-koatw