Houston we've got a problem! Keith Urban is WAY too good to limit him to an hour concert!!! It was wonderful to see him live again - it seems like forever since I last saw him perform two shows at the Grand Ol' Opry last September! But I was SO not ready to have him say goodnight when his hour (apparently the standard concert length for all the stars featured at Houston's huge spring rodeo) was up! :(
It was nice to start my spring break with a trip to Houston. Although there are signs of spring in Iowa we aren't yet in the 70's like Houston and certainly don't have flowers in full bloom! I can see Reliant Stadium (huge!) from my hotel window and found some good Texas BBQ and fresh gulf seafood in the short time I've been here. I spent the sunny afternoon at the Houston Zoo which was packed with families also on spring vacation. At rodeo time I walked over to the stadium and found my front row centerfield seat (thanks Monkeyville!) almost next to a cameraman filming both rodeo and (later) Keith action. My seat was called an "Action Seat" because it was so close to the action that we caught a little flying dirt during some of the rodeo contests. They keep a fast pace with the different types of competitions so 2 hours flew by faster than I expected. Suddenly they were moving out the concert stage to the center of the arena. They were really fast and efficient - in 15 minutes it (and all it lights, speakers, motors, stairs, etc) was in place. (Right in front of me but in the center of the big dirt floor). So I was in a great spot although the stage slowly but constantly rotates so that all sides of the stadium get a good view at some point, while those on the opposite side then have to rely on the big video screens while the stage is facing away from them. Security guards stood about every 30 feet or so between the audience and the stage) in case any of us tried to rush the stage : ). It almost seemed as if the band members came out with the stage equipment because suddenly there was Brad, and Brian and the Chrises on the completed stage (but not their fearless leader).
The stadium was darkened and a brief display of indoor! fireworks began the show with a bang. Meanwhile, in the dark, a SUV pulled up next to the stage in front of me and a shadowy Keith got out and ran up the stage stairs, breaking immediately into Days Go By when the fireworks ended. At this point I realized another problem - no one in the audience was standing up! :( and they really did not for most of the show. (How anyone can sit still during Keith's music mystifies me!) A couple of times a few of us could not help but stand and get into the music, but we were scattered in this audience of rodeo fans and ended up sitting down again at the end of a song until we were overtaken by Keith's music once again. I missed feeling free to participate completely and fully live the concert experience!
Keith ended DGB with huge "Yee Haw! Alright!" and then they went into Better Half. But I guess, as at the show in Valdosta, the guys are still a little rusty because Keith began the second verse a bit too soon, got a case of the giggles from his mistake, and ended up singing "I don't even know my own song!" : ) At least 4 times during the show Keith asked "Are you ready to sing Houston" or "Are you in a singing mood Houston" and told everyone to sing extra loud because they could not hear the audience up on stage (partly due to bad acoustics, partly due to rather scattered singing). I was singing my heart out! Keith said that they were so glad to be back in Houston for the third time. He also said it felt good to be on the fancy new stage (and he definitely looked glad to be playing!).
Did I tell you how good Keith looked? Oh my. White or cream plaid shirt, sleeves rolled up above his elbows, at least 3 buttons undone. Those lovely raggedy jeans with the frayed pocket flaps, I'm loving the new haircut and blond highlights - he looks like a sweet young thing!
Next up was I Told You So and then Stupid Boy with his voice sounding oh so clear and sweet. That guitar solo I have been missing live - I felt like that parched desert plant finally getting a sweet drink of spring rain. Yes! I needed that! Keith asked those in the nosebleed seats"How is everybody way up high? That's a mighty long way up!" And then thanked everyone for making them feel so welcome.
The rotating stage was interesting. The backdrop behind the band was not solid - it was made of mesh or grillwork that you could see through, yet it had enough substance to serve as a curved video screen kind of like Keith's big screen but not in high definition. Because it was not solid the pictures of Keith and the band projected on it almost had a hologram like quality. I think we got a preview of some of the new video backgrounds that they might be using the new tour (like an interesting backdrop of winding country roads during Who Wouldn't Wanna Be Me).
Sweet Thing was the only new song of the evening and the crowd loved it. Keith dedicated the song "to everyone here tonight who drove a long way to get here." How about those of us who flew? I know there were many of us - one gal flew from Boston. Another pair held a sign that they had traveled 2697 miles to see Keith. He ended ST with "We're cookin' now!" (and they were!).
I'm sure Keith intended to introduce all the guys, but time got away from him so he only made it through Chris M and Brad. You Look Good In My Shirt drove the audience wild. Keith came down off the stage and, starting just a bit to my right, circled the arena perimeter, slapping hands or playing while the crowd reached out to touch him. On the opposite side from me he actually climbed through the bars into the first row of seats and played a bit absolutely crushed by fans. I then thought he might be giving away a guitar but he was simply having someone hold it as he slipped through the rails again back out onto the dirt floor. He continued to circle this huge stadium and I could see he was getting a little winded from the run. Sadly it was taking too long so he dashed back to the stage before he completed the trip and there was an audible moan from the last 20% of us. But it was a really valiant try!
Back on stage he put on his best Irish brogue and wished us all a happy St. Patrick;s Day, and continued on to say that there were a whole lot of Irish on the side of the arena he had climbed into (he came back ladened with green necklaces). He then dropped the brogue and joked "I'll just take off the whole city of New Orleans now!" and hung all of the necklaces on his mike. Making Memories Of Us and You'll Think Of Me were up next.
There was only time for a tiny bit of guitar jousting before Who Wouldn't Wanna Be Me and then a rousing Somebody Like You and - oh no - it was over! Keith circled the stage, bowing and thanking each side of the stadium, frequently placing his hand on his heart to show he was touched by the screams and cheers of the crowd, flashing a peace sign every now and then. And all too soon a truck backed up to the stage just in front of me, collected the whole band in its truck bed and drove out of the stadium at 10:00, with all the guys waving at the crowd. Another burst of fireworks and the Rodeo Houston concert was done for another night. I think they must have been required to end at that time, because as the audience filed out I overheard the 2 camera guys next to me saying "I thought he had one more song on the list?" and the other said "Yeah, but it is 10:00". Probably the YLGIMS run took longer than expected. I bet they had Better Life or Everybody planned as the closer. Great show Keith but you just wet our whistle! Just barely an appetizer for the concert season to come! But so good to feel that Urban high again as I wandered back to my hotel singing to myself! (videoclip to come)
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