What I Hear in This Wonderful Album
Keith has often said he wants to make music that others can connect with and relate to. Some of his songs contain such familiar feelings and universal experiences that almost an entire concert audience can fully join in that musical expression of life’s journeys. But there will always be differences in what bits of the music, phrases of the lyrics, and nuances of Keith’s expressive performance speak to and bring enjoyment to a particular individual. I am so reveling in the music of Defying Gravity that I felt the urge to put down in writing some of details that call out to me in this joyful album. I wish I had a musician’s vocabulary to better share some points in the performance. But I don’t, so pardon my clumsiness of expression. Maybe sometime we will listen to this music together and I’ll be able to elbow you during each song and say “There! Listen to that! Don’t you love it when….”
Although each track can stand proudly on its own, I love the full “story” of the album – the Gestalt of listening and feeling each and every song beginning to end.
Chapter 1 – Kiss a Girl Despite the title, to me this song is not about the kiss, but rather that very first step away from being alone. “I shouldn’t be lonely in this great big world!” and “I’m finally ready” (and hope I’ve found someone equally ready to take that step).I can’t keep from bouncing along with the melody or joining it with those wonderful high notes: “I’m finally ready toooo” “”Find somebody whoooo”. All those little “Keithisms” are little sparks of pleasure for those of us who have been “urbanized”. From the “T-t-t-to kiss and tell”, the rhythmic “un,un,un,un,un,un” one minute into the song, to the yeah-yeahs, woe-hoes, un huhs, and oo-hoos at its closing. I enjoy each and every one of those little signature emphases. And I can’t help but think of his daughter Sunday every time I hear “Make a little magic baby!”
Favorite lines:
Are you ready? Are you ready?
To cross that line - put your lips on mine
Chapter 2 – If Ever I Could Love (aka this might be the person that is worth the risk
Oh how I love the introduction, the percussion that comes in after the first verse, the Celtic feel of the rhythm and melody, the violin or fiddle (which isn’t listed in the liner?), the slide guitar solo! I am hoping this might be another drumline song in concert! The background vocals are particularly good (I especially enjoy Keith singing the echoing background vocals and his “Gotta good feeling!”). But my favorite (in this song full of favorite parts) is that final vocal waterfall of a chorus:
I was scared to love again
Till the day that came
When she walked out of my life
I got hurt so bad
I swear I'd never let another inside this heart of mine
But you touch my hand and every plan that I had
Disappeared like a fallen star
There's a new beginning and I'm moving to the rhythm
Of a beating braver heart , a braver heart
Love that line – moving to the rhythm of a beating braver heart
Chapter 3– Sweet Thing (that special first date and the excitement of new romance)
This #1 song is familiar to everyone.
Chapter 4 – Til Summer Comes Around (some find love and take that first step but circumstances interrupt a promising new relationship) Including the opening sounds of the oceanside amusement park and the echo of the roller coaster was inspired. The tone of the guitar is magnificent throughout – the opening melody line, the haunting refrain and lonesome, soulful solo. The vibrato of Keith’s voice as he sings “ Don’t know why it always ends this way” touches me, as do his falsetto woo-hoo-ooo-ooo-hoo and plaintive “I miss you baby” and “When you coming back around?” at the end. This song is going to be as big as Raining on Sunday or Stupid Boy.
Chapter 5 – My Heart is Open (though I’m at my most vulnerable, your love is healing me).
I love that every song on this album has its own distinctive beat and guitar sound. I bet they are fun to play since each is so different. You just can’t beat Keith’s expressive voice and wailing guitar solo.
“There’s a light in your eyes and it’s got me moving in”
More favorite lines:
I’ve got nothin’left to prove and I’ve got so much love for you
That’s why I’m tearin’ down the walls, kickin’ down the doors
(Will this be a new microphone-kick song in concert?)
The echoing closing tones provide a perfect ending.
Chapter 6 - Hit the Ground Runnin’
Can’t wait to see Jerry Flowers rock out on this song and give him a thumbs-up for writing it!
A fun surprise of a song.. Love the scratch of the rhythm guitar in the background and the sexy growl of Keith’s:
So if you gotta go baby, I won't stop you
And I won't sit around and miss you, no , no , no
'Cuz if you leave I'm - a - comin' with you
Comin' with you, baby
Chapter 7 – Only You Can Love Me This Way
That lovely rippling, running guitar strum and gentle hum, that oh-so-sweet voice, perfect harmony and tender lyrics already had me before the loving refrain roped in my heart. I can’t resist the vocal embellishments that only Keith can apply with the lightest of touché, the poignancy of the possibility that you might have missed your one great love if “I could have turned a different corner, I could have gone another place”. The depth provided by the layering of the banjo, cellos, and violins, the brief introduction of that heart beat - all of these make this moving song very special to me.
Chapter 8 – Standing Right in Front of You (don’t let the chance at love walk by)
I love the New Radical-like opening. Since their You Get What You Give signaled the start of each show in Keith’s last tour my heart has been conditioned to race at those sounds as surely as Pavlov’s dog
Oh why you gotta leave me so blue-oo-oo
Baby why can’t you see -That I’m the only one for you-oo-oo
You could search the world over -But you’ll never find another so true-oo-oo”
I especially like when the background music falls away and Keith’s longing voice is front and center :
I know which one, I know which one I choose -and give me a chance
I’d be a better man for you (I believe I would) - and open your heart girl
Let me make your dreams come true -you can search the world over
But I can take you to the moon -cause if you’re looking for love
I’m standing right in front of you - punctuated by his special “yes I am!” and woo!
Chapter 9 Why’s It Feel So Long (any time away from you is too long)
Can you possibly stop from grooving as soon as this song comes on?? Aren’t you enjoying the addition of slide guitar to this album? And I can’t wait to see Chris McHugh have fun with this island beat.When I wear headphones I love that my left and right ears are hearing 2 very different guitars as if the guys are standing on either side of me. And the little phone ringing in the background in the middle of the song is cute. I can just see Keith waiting for that call from Nic.
Chapter 10 - I’m In (I am all in for all time)
A special thanks to Radney Foster for providing some of Keith’s very best songs!
The song begins on a tentative note but the certainty that love is worth pursuing builds with each verse to “If you need a lover and a friend I’m in!”
Favorite lines in a great song:
Baby, come here next to me
I'll show you how good it can be
I'll breathe each breath you breathe;
I can pour out everything I am
Chapter 11 Thank You
A definite reverence to the haunting opening chords and almost church processional like beginning– appropriate to his deep thanks to the Lord and the love of his life.
Love the guitar in the background and both the opening and closing haunting tones.
Hi Mom! Haha.
ReplyDeleteTill Summer Comes Around is maybe my favorite. Or it's tied with Only You Can Love Me. And I also really like the growly voice in Hit The Ground Runnin'! (I played it for Brandon and told him he should sing like that sometimes. =P)
But yeah, I really like this whole CD. Keith has such a lovely voice. :)