I, and several others were in line quite early but we needn’t have rushed. It seemed that the very first Backstage BBQ Experience was also having “first night” problems and was running significantly behind schedule. Keith’s staff told us we could walk around at little if we wanted (and some did) but I stayed in line until we finally got in. Meanwhile I chatted with the staff members responsible for taking photos and keeping the BBEs running smoothly. They had caught sight of the little number 42 that I had stuck on my blouse in hopes that Keith might ask what the 42 was for (last night was my 42nd show) and started asking about KU roadtrips. They took quite a few photos of me and had me sign a release so who knows where my funny face may show up.
I also chatted a little with Ashley (from Monkeyville) and her mom but I’ll leave it to her to tell her exciting story. Before we went “backstage” they divided us up into groups (Monkeyville, iLike, Verizon, Kingsford, etc.). I think they were keeping a count of some sort and also some (like the Kingsford sponsors) were treated to more individualized photos with Keith like the Verizon folks last tour.
I’m sure most venues won’t be able to offer the kind of facilities Keith had for the Mohegan BBE. It was held in their small cabaret club (I saw Lily Tomlin perform there one year), a room set up like a small night club! There were 5 huge (5 x 8 foot) blow up photos of Keith and the guys in a barbeque setting (like the photo on the Kingsford contest page, but several different ones). The had another large 5X8 poster that only said Keith Urban Backstage BBQ Experience 2009 and they provided sharpies so we could sign the poster if we wanted. Once inside we still waited in line for quite a while before “Elvis” entered the building : ). Late Keith sauntered in, apologizing for his tardiness. He had a long sleeved blue plaid shirt on and I couldn’t keep my eyes off him.
Most of us they photographed in groups of 10 as usual. Even though they were running late Keith shook hands and said hello to each person in the photo, asking our names. He exchanged a few words with some but you could tell they felt time-pressured so he declined a few requests for autographs and it didn’t seem that there was time to ask for a hug even though that had been one of the most frequent topics of conversation when we were out in line. Keith initially thought I said my name was Brenda instead of Linda. I corrected him and pointed out the 42 since things were moving too quickly for him to notice it himself. When I explained what it meant he looked surprised and said “Thank you so much for coming.” and I said his shows were addicting. So I got a little conversation but I was giddy and emboldened and not willing for it to end. So as he stopped shaking my hand to move on to the next person, I touched his arm one more time and asked (though I can hardly believe it now! (lmao)) “Can I smell your neck?” And I did! I leaned in and took one big sniff of his (yes) heavenly smelling neck, close enough that his scruff rubbed my right cheek!! (bristlier than I expected!).(Maybe I’ll have a little scruff burn as a result?) He looked at me with one of his bemused expressions and asked “Are we good now?” Yes, we were very good now!! I was floating on a Keith cloud so hardly minded that I didn’t get to stand right next to him in the photo. But I was just one person away so I took that as the perfect opportunity to run my hand up the forearm he had around the gal beside me and rest it on his back during the shot! : ) Mmm Keithiness.
But every time I replay that scene in my mind I have to laugh out loud now. What is it about this man that makes me act like a silly teenager?? I’m sorry Keith for using you for my own enjoyment! : ) Well, not too sorry!
I know Keith has to kowtow to the corporate sponsors, but it really is such a shame that there are so many loyal loving fans who would SO appreciate being there while many of the sponsor crowd don’t much care. Last night some got the ‘obligatory’ photo but seemed more interested in the free meal. After the photo they headed straight to the food ( barbequed burger and chicken sliders, veggies and dip and a grilled bread salad) and then sat at the back of the room eating while the smaller number of true fans (maybe a dozen of us) ignored the food and rushed to get the stools right in front of Keith’s microphone.
Keith’s microphone was set on a dark red paisley rug on the small stage with tall metal light towers on either side. On each side there was also a big television set on big black Kingsford/Masterpiece BBQ trunks. Way to either side were blow-ups of some of Keith’s Defying Gravity/Escape Together promotional photos. They showed a really funny video about the band on tour. During it each of the band members was shown doing their “second job” on the tour – Brad Rice was washing dishes, Jerry was sweeping the concert floor after a show and folding up the chairs, Chris M. was cooking scrambled eggs backstage – really cute. The video also included some of the funny tour preparation clips that have been posted on KUTube.
He joked about putting on the whole show in the Cabaret room and asked what we wanted to hear. I called out Grace of God and someone else asked for Days Go By. He did an absolutely terrific DGB in perfect voice, He took a few questions – mine was “How do you select which of your many guitars to use on a particular song?” I thought he might talk about their sounds but he responded “whatever feels right”! An Aussie asked how he got into American Country and Keith talked about his Dad’s records. Someone asked who he most liked touring with – he said he liked all those he had been with but singled out Kenny because they are like brothers and Brooks and Dunn because they were so good to The Ranch. Finally someone asked what he played on his guitar just for fun. He didn’t really say but said not his own music because he plays that so much.
Then he said he hoped we’d enjoy the show and slipped away. Some of us grabbed a bite to eat and as we left we were given a Keith Urban/Kingsford BBQ apron as a memento.
(PS I asked if I could have an extra BBE sticker for the next night (joking) but the staff guy told me every night of the tour has a different color BBE sticker)
Linda you are a hoot! I love reading about your KU adventures!! I cant wait for mine this week!! woo hoo!!! How did you get the BSE through facebook/ilike??? I need to know every possible angle! So glad you found my blog, i love yours!! :) Missy
ReplyDeleteIf you go to Keith's page on Facebook and click on Music, you can indicate which shows you are going to and which you want to go to. This puts you in a drawing for a BBE or tickets, respectively.
ReplyDeletehow do I know if i win? The concert is Thursday, are you going to the one in St Paul MN?