>Although rain was predicted on Saturday my buddy Joan and I traveled to Des Moines without seeing a drop, stopping in Ames for a yummy rib combo at the Hickory House, perhaps the most popular restaurant in that town. Once in
Des Moines we had just enough time to check into the Quality Inn but then had to hustle over to Wells-Fargo Arena Will Call to pick up our tickets.
I thought for a while that it was going to be another day of ticket problems because I did something stupid back at pre-sale time. The pre-sale for Des Moines began at a time I was teaching a class, so I asked my daughter to go online and get tickets for me, forgetting that this arena does not allow Ticketmaster to mail out tickets – everything is will-call to foil the ticket scalpers. Good idea, but not when you forget that then they will expect my daughter to pick up the tickets and she lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan! Once I realized that, I called the arena, called Ticketmaster, and contacted Monkeyville, trying to get the okay for my name to be put on the ticket order along with my daughter’s. It took lots of calls and some extra paperwork, but I thought I had the situation sorted out. I arrived at the box office and gave them both of our names and my photo ID. They weren’t happy with that (despite all the calls and Ticketmaster’s assurance that my name was now on the order). So I gave the box office a xerox of my daughter’s driver’s license. Then a xerox of the credit card she used. Then a xerox of her passport. Then they wanted the order confirmation number so I dug out the Ticketmaster email with that number. Geesh!! I thought they were going to request a DNA sample next!!! Finally I think I overwhelmed them with all the papers I brought along and they finally surrendered the tickets. It was worth the struggle though to see Keith’s wonderful show. Our seats were on the left hand aisle of the floor in row 16.
I enjoyed many of Taylor Swift’s songs and the little “monologues” she does between numbers, but I could do without the dramatics (the head flinging and banging, the drum beating segment) and her behavioral beckoning for the applause and screams of her fans (maybe cute the first time but it quickly got old). I also fear she may run out of song material if she doesn’t move beyond ex-boyfriends. But I have to give her credit – she definitely warmed up the crowd and got an even bigger response from the audience than Carrie Underwood!! And she is smart enough to use many of the things that Keith has had success with. She has her own 3 panel big video screen, she comes off stage briefly during the show and slaps hands and hugs the fans in the front section of the risers, she expresses her affection for the audience, and she incorporates a couple interesting videos into her set (what does it mean to be fearless and a little interview segment).
I don’t know if Keith and his production staff keep changing things or if I just notice new details. In Des Moines the big black curtain was back, but I noticed for the first time that the curtain was surrounded, on the outside by a ring of purple spotlights shining down from the rafters, adding to its mystery. And, perhaps I’m crazy, but it also seemed for the first time, that at the moment the show started, that huge back curtain suddenly DROPPED rather than pulling back! I stared in amazement because I swear that didn’t happen before and I couldn’t imagine how that big thing came down without falling on those at stage edge (but apparently it did not since there were only screams of delight, not screams of distress!) And there was Keith ! (no rising out of the floor tonight).
We noticed as soon as we entered the arena that there was a huge video boom positioned close to the small stage suggesting that was where the music video shoot would take place. But in fact there were cameramen moving through the aisles shooting audience shots throughout the show during almost all numbers. I don’t know if they are working on another concert DVD or shooting stuff for KUTube or a special, but they were busy all night (I notice, however, that they favored the ‘sweet young things’ in the audience in their shots rather than including the full diversity of the audience). I wore polka dots so I can find myself just in case I make it into any of the shots J
Keith of course asked the audience to give a round of applause for our “soul-sister Taylor Swift” and said “It is absolutely killer having her out with us.” The audience in Des Moines was very participatory – the whole jam-packed 3 level arena was standing and loudly singing throughout the night. Keith commented on our singing several times during the evening. I thought he did a particularly hot performance of Blacktop tonight with some really wailing guitar work and a shout of “Mercy!!” to top it off.
Since the arena had sold, in the last few days, some standing room only tickets for the floor area beyond the small stage, I wasn’t sure if there would be any room for those of us with floor seats to gather close to that stage, but I was game to give it a try. So at the start of Better Half I walked back to the small stage and YES! I found a spot just one person away from the stage edge. We sometimes got shoved this way or that – by security when they wanted to make a path for Keith (right past me so I gave that right bicep a little pat) or when the cameramen wanted to get a particular shot. I didn’t notice any cameras pointing in my direction, so I probably didn’t make it into the music video, but I had a wonderful up close view for the four songs (and also for Keith’s grimacing and “I feel so stupid right now” comments as his aide Deborah tried to pat dry some of the sweat on his face and rearrange his damp bangs before he performed Only You Can Love Me This Way J. Boy, I know we would all welcome a sweaty Keith with open arms, but I don’t know why anyone would choose to shoot this sweet, romantic song while all sweaty!!?? Personally I wonder whether they will really like the footage they shot for that reason. Or we’ll see what tricks they can do with good editing.
Being up that close it was especially apparent that Keith is now absolutely all lean, hard muscle. Oh my.
Keith said that Des Moines is a very friendly city. He dedicated Making Memories “ to those who are feeling in love tonight”. Then as they got ready to shoot the video he introduced Deborah and explained how they had to pick a place to shoot and he said “What about Des Moines?” He said that because of the filming he would be playing the song twice and we were all likely to be in the video. The crowd was thrilled and had obviously practiced their lyrics (but unfortunately the screaming periodically broke out so I hope that wasn’t a problem). After the first take Keith said “You guys are the best! I love you guys!” and thanked us for being patient with this process. (We’d listen to it a dozen times Keith!!) The crowd around the small stage really sang loudly the second time around - hope we didn’t drown out Keith!). Keith threw in an "You know its true Des Moines!" after singing the line OYCLMTW. His exit from the remote stage and return up front left hoards of women who ‘made contact’ screaming, trembling, crying. I thought the gal next to me was going to pass out!
Chris, Brian and Jerry once again sang Michael Jackson tributes during introductions. Tonight Chris switched to “I’ll Be There.” and got a great response, but Brian again won the prize for getting the most audience to join in on his “The Way You Make Me Feel.” In the closing of Who Wouldn’t Wanna Be Me Keith switched the words to “Singing a Taylor Swift song to me – Love Story!” At the ending of “If Ever I Could Love” the audience (or at least the floor) began following Keith’s rhythmic ‘clapping dance’ providing extra emphasis to that final Celtic beat. No improvised song for Des Moines before Raining on Sunday, but Keith did give an extra “Whoo-o” of enthusiasm after the second verse and a powerful, wrenching guitar solo. He also added a few bars of a melodic deep “Whoa ah –oh – ah – oh –ah – oh” before the final “Should a known better than to leave me darlin’” in I Told You So.
I was excited that, when it came time for You Look Good in My Shirt, Keith headed down the aisle I was sitting next to. Two more gentle touches to his abs and back.. Definitely got my ‘Vitamin K’ today and it is very energizing! While high up in the risers he again got the audience to sing the chorus of this song a couple times, each time louder.
More than once during the evening Keith called out “Are you having a good time?” but I am sure he had to know the answer to that question given our whole-hearted participation every step along the way!! The joy in the room was palpable.
Tonight I Wanna Cry was back in the encore tonight and Keith’s voice was so sweet and touching – one of those chill giving moments that just make you catch your breath.
When giving the usual thanks at the close of the show he not only thanked those who traveled a long way but also said “You guys rock!” During Better Life he was either a little mixed up or multilingual because he counted off “Un, deux, tres, quattro” J And, even though tonight there was no American sign translator present, during his final goodbyes Keith signed “Thank you” and “I love you.” to the sides of the arena.
In the morning my friend Joan and I were joined by a couple other concert regulars at breakfast. Joan is not quite an “urban virgin” – this was her second concert – but she certainly isn’t yet familiar with some of the fan lingo. At breakfast I said something to jean-on-gal about how she must have been tickled to have her BSE with Keith filmed and up on KUTube. Joan looked a little shocked and asked in puzzlement “Keith is involved with breast self-examinations? And they’re videotaped?!”